A Mysterious Site Uncovered Horseshoe-shaped Monument In France

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Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) has brought forth a very remarkable discovery. An ancient, mysterious monument has been uncovered, which is strangely in the shape of a horseshoe. The facility, INRAP, is located in the town of Marliens, eastern France which is approximately nine miles to the southeast of Dijon.

The horseshoe found in France, the discovery that took place during an excavation led by the French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), has been described as “unprecedented” due to its distinctive shape and the range of weapons and artefacts it contains.

The excavations at the site have revealed a series of human settlements that stretch across different eras and ages; from the Neolithic period to the Iron Age. This unique find comprises three interconnected structures— a horseshoe-shaped structure in the north, connected to a central circular enclosure that measures approximately 11 meters (36 feet) in diameter, with an almost square-shaped enclosure extending from the southern edge. 

Although the exact age of the monument remains unclear, initial evidence indicates that the artefacts found at the site come from different historical periods. Flint arrowheads and carved flint tools discovered on the site suggest that it might date back to the Neolithic era, around 6,000 BC, which is associated with early agricultural communities from the Stone Age. In addition, the discovery of Archer’s protective armbands and copper-alloy dagger suggests a possible link to the Bell Beaker culture, a civilization that was prominent about 4,500 years ago.

The press release from INRAP emphasized the need for additional analysis to better understand the timeline of this horseshoe found in France. Radiocarbon dating will be used to determine a more accurate age. Furthermore, researchers are examining a copper alloy dagger to identify its origin, which could shed light on ancient trade routes.

In addition to these key findings, archaeologists also detected traces of iron oxide on one of the armbands, suggesting the possible use of pyrite, a critical material for igniting fires. This observation implies that the site might have had a ceremonial or burial function, but further investigation is required to confirm this theory.

This fascinating find offers a unique window into the rich and diverse history of human habitation in France. As researchers delve deeper into their analysis, the role of this monument in shedding light on ancient cultures and their connections is becoming even more evident. With additional studies planned, this excavation is set to offer crucial knowledge about early European history.

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